How I Can Control Small Expenses

Admittedly, finding myself short of cash is something that happens quite often. The more self assessing I do, the more I discover my failure in the financial areas of my life. I realize that a lot of my spending is on small items such as fast food, apps, and meaningless purchases. I never really thought about why I did this until I realized that for the most part, saving for big ticket items requires patience. I also thought that my cash flow and income was not large enough to start saving and pondering larger purchases. I realize now that this is a problem. It could prevent me from having enough money to buy and maintain a car which is an expense that will be imminent. My spending habits could also prevent me from having better habits when I am older and have a substantial income to manage. I know that I have to take action, set some priorities and make goals so that I can accomplish more in my adult life. My goals are to save half of all income that comes in, mostly towards my first car and for an emergency fund. Another 10% will go to tithing of course. The other 40% will go towards paying for social events and saving for smaller big ticket items. ($100-200 purchases) I hope that with this plan of action I can make good habits for my future.

Presenting the Happy Healthy Holidays Challenge


{A two month challenge to get in shape for the New Year, and kick start your weight loss resolutions}


One cheat meal per week, plus one sugary drink per week (non-carbonated)

Keep it to one to two servings of semi healthy food per day. (examples: peanut butter, dark chocolate, whole grain pasta etc.)

The rest of the time, make sure you are eating plenty of protein, veggies and having a well-rounded diet.

Drink at least 70 ounces of water every single day. Any unsweetened tea or coffee doesn’t count to this total.


Exercise at least 5 times per week. At least two of these times should be a 30 minute or longer workout. (to burn fat rather than your sugar and carb stores)

Stretch for at least ten minutes every day.

Do 20 minutes of low intensity yoga at least twice per week. These can be in addition to your workouts, but it cannot count as your workouts unless it is high intensity.


Take vitamins daily.

Take before, during and after measurements.

Don’t weigh yourself more than once per week and weigh in the morning.

Make an inspiration board or page specifically for this two month challenge.

Limit sitting time during the day if possible. (less computer time)

Get excited to workout.

Reward yourself with small stuff if you’ve made it through the week! (not food)

Complete some sort or exercise every day (rest days can just be a couple of crunches, but it’s something)

No days without stretching

No soda (even on cheat days, have lemonade or something)

No extra cheating

No body negativity

Starting Weight:

Goal Weight:

Week 1:

Week 2:

Week 3:

Week 4:

Week 5:

Week 6:

Week 7:

Week 8:

You can copy and paste this into a word doc and print it. Get ready! Its gonna be fun.


What do you want to see in 2015? Let me know if you want more challenges, the length of the challenges, if you want more personal posts, etc. I need your input for this blog!

Laura 🙂


So I know I’ve not been posting too much lately, but I have something big coming your way, I promise! I think you will be impressed, so bear with me lovelies!


Hello beautiful darlings,

Quick tip for you… you know how people recommend that when you workout, you should listen to music. Well this is an awesome idea, but honestly for me this isn’t enough of a distraction. So I like to watch Youtube videos! When I saw this tip I got super excited because now this would distract me from my running and cardio in general.

So I hope this helps. Stay beautiful inside and out,


Why You’re Doing This

One thing I want to make clear: You need to do this for yourself. This is something that I really struggle with sometimes. My motivation often comes from the body that I want or for people I know to notice that I’ve lost weight. Those are all good reasons but you can’t depend on other people to give you what you want. I’ve lost weight, but no one has said a word. At first I let that crush me, but then I used it as fuel to keep going. Make your goals centered around you and attainable things that you can do and will do. Otherwise your setting yourself up for disappointment.

Stay beautiful inside and out,


Ways You Can Get Plugged In

I know sometimes you may be a little lost on the fitness road, so here are some ways you can get inspired and find some motivation on those days you just don’t want to get out of bed. 😉

Social Media is a super important role for my motivation. Some of my favorites are Instagram (obviously), Pump Up (basically like an Instagram that’s centered around fitness), PIntrest, and Tumblr (avoid the thinspo section, make sure you’re following the right people).

As for workout and healthy eating ideas Youtube is amazing. That’s how I found Blogilates and Toneitup, some of my favorite people for fitness stuff. (Both of these channels have apps and websites as well.) Kalyn Nicholson has Fitness Friday videos that are great as well! (she also has beauty videos so you kind of have to weed through those if you don’t want to watch them)

Those are my main sources of inspiration, and I’m sure once you find some of your own you will be motivated as well. The most important thing is that you have people who support you on your journey though. 🙂 I wish you the best o fluck in surrounding yourself with those people.

Stay beautiful inside and out no matter what size you are,


5 Ways for You to Squeeze Fitness Into Your Busy Schedule

Greetings Fitties to Be!

We are all incredibly busy, myself included so here are some tips to help you out and not let the excuse of “I’m too busy!” to get in the way 🙂 Enjoy my darlings!

  1. Truly make fitness a priority. I know you’re busy, we all are, but I do feel like “I’m too busy” is an excuse you can work around if you really set your mind to it. I think when we just need an excuse to get us out of something that we don’t want to do; we say we don’t have time. Since this is somewhat true for a lot of us, it’s an excuse we don’t really feel guilty about using, so we reach for it again and again. The thing is we have to make time. Truly make fitness a priority and I know you will have enough time. Even if it’s just doing squats while you brush your teeth or wait for your coffee to brew it’s something. I’ve seen single moms of two young kids with a full time job and getting a college degree reach their weight loss goals. If they made it a priority, I know you can too.
  2. Early to bed, early to rise. A lot of people say they don’t have time to get their workouts in. Even if you get up only 30 minutes earlier than you usually would and get some movement in that’s perfect, you’ve done something. Try to get to bed earlier, (I know it’s hard) and getting up in the morning will be tons easier. Also if you don’t have time for a full workout in the morning, try to do half an hour in the morning and half an hour at night. Also if you get up earlier you will have more time to do number three. Remember your sleep is important as well in your fitness journey; you have to find balance!
  3. Pack your meals. This will not only eliminate the urge to order something unhealthy at a restaurant when you’re at work or out during the day, it’s really nice to have your meals pre-made and ready to go, even if you’re at home. This makes it much easier to eat healthy because the healthy options are right at your fingertips.
  4. Move! This is very important if you want to get fit. It doesn’t matter what movement, or when as long as you just get off your butt and do something! A little bit everyday will make a huge difference.
  5. Include your friends and family and get accountability. If you have a family, getting them on board, inform them with what you plan to do and even getting them involved is a great step. Not only are you showing them a healthier lifestyle, you are getting some accountability as well. This works for your friends too! Plan a morning walk with a close girlfriend, or maybe just share with them what you are doing so they won’t try to tempt you as much. Working out with your friends is awesome because you will stay committed, have more fun and get closer with them!

So thanks for reading dearies! I hope to speak with you soon!

Stay beautiful inside and out,
